
In Magento 2 Decimal comes from Database so if you want to remove from qty than you need to create column renderer. Please follow below step to create module.

Create Folder like app/code/Agtech/Qty and put below code into registration.php file
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After that create composer.json file into above same path like registration.php and put code.
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Create etc/module.xml file into etc folder and add sequence tag follows
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Create a renderer Agtech/Qty/Ui/Component/Listing/Columns/DecimalRemove.php and put below code
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Create a renderer Agtech/Qty/view/adminhtml/ui_component/product_listing.xml
and put below code
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That’s it. Now, You can remove decimal from quantity in product grid in Magento admin. If you face any problem while during so then Contact our Support Team.

About Author:

Nikul Prajapati

He is Magento Developer & Technical Head with 8+ years of experience. He have extensive experience in dozens of programming languages and platforms and always striving to learn more. He become a pro in Magento 1 , Magento 2, WordPress Customization, Object-oriented Programming, AJAX, PHP & JavaScript Frameworks, Content Management Systems, Conversion Of Photoshop PSD To Responsive Cross-browser Compliant HTML5/CSS3, Web Design, MySQL.

Nikul Author